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Ella (she/her/elle) for The Ops Community

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What do you hope to achieve this week?

It's another Monday and we have another week of plans and dreams. What will it be this week, my good people of Ops?

It wouldn't be a weekly goal-setting post without a weekly goal-smashing summary, would it?

Highlights and lessons from last week in The Ops Community:

Kudos to all y'all - and thanks for sharing your goals with us so we can celebrate them with you! Keep those comments coming, and let me know what you're planning to check off your list this week 📋

Latest comments (14)

cndavu profile image
Charles Ndavu

Thanks for the Ops builder badge... hope this week I can add one more article

ellativity profile image
Ella (she/her/elle)

It's always a treat for me to award a badge, so I should be thanking you!

And you know we love to see your articles, so no pressure on you but also, a little bit. 😉

cndavu profile image
Charles Ndavu

haha, its also healthy to keep me in check

johnson_brad profile image
Brad Johnson • Edited

I hope my biggest achievement is catching up after a WHOLE WEEK away from work.

Big thank you to @patrick_londa and the Blink Ops team for covering while I was away from work, and to the amazing folks like @ellativity and @cloudyadvice for keeping The Ops Community safe and welcoming for everyone last week.

Since nobody asked, here's a picture of me on vacation riding a horse named Strawberry.
Image description

ellativity profile image
Ella (she/her/elle)

You look a lot happier about that situation than Strawberry does... 🍓🐴

Was it your first time on a horse or do you ride regularly?

johnson_brad profile image
Brad Johnson • Edited

I'm giving Strawberry a good rub, so that's why I'm leaning so awkwardly. Strawberry and I became much friendlier, once many baby carrots were shared.

But not frequent rider. We got a few trail rides in last week, but prior it'd probably been 15 years since I was on a horse.

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ellativity profile image
Ella (she/her/elle)

Baby carrots are the key to many a friendship.

If y'all haven't tried making new friends over baby carrots, then Brad, Strawberry, and I recommend trying it 🥕🥕🥕

I've never ridden a horse, much less not ridden one for 15 years - was it hard to remember how to do it?

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johnson_brad profile image
Brad Johnson

Easy to ride a horse, mostly about mutual respect. 10/10 would recommend.

ellativity profile image
Ella (she/her/elle)

@eriklz, @saar_ryan, @ujjavala: what are you hoping to achieve this week?

eriklz profile image
Erik Lundevall Zara

Mainly catching up on various project issues:

  • fixing a security group ingress issue in an AWS CDK-based pipeline + ECS
  • Migrate an infrastructure repo from AWS CDK v1 to v2 and refactor the VPC setup in it
  • Work on Redis migration in Terraform-based setup
  • Perhaps start to look at migrate/import some infrastructure (from AWS CDK & CloudFormation) into Pulumi as a proof of concept. Probably not this week though.
ellativity profile image
Ella (she/her/elle)

There is a lot of migrating in your week, @eriklz - what's your preferred method to stay on top of your project progress when you have multiple projects taking place simultaneously?

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eriklz profile image
Erik Lundevall Zara

I try to do a brief planning in the beginning of each week, and try to allocate some time slots for each task - with time to spare. I check on priorities/impact if I do not know them already.
That may sometimes be a challenge, since there may be stakeholders which have nothing to do with each other.

I am using Todoist to keep track of tasks for myself, since reporting/tracking of each task may also be in different systems (for different customers).
Also, I am using Obsidian for some general note-keeping for myself as well.

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ellativity profile image
Ella (she/her/elle)

Thank you for sharing! Very helpful to read your breakdown.

How long do you find your planning takes you? I've tried to implement weekly planning multiple times over the past few years and I've found I can completely overthink it to a point where I realize I'm still planning my week halfway through Monday afternoon!

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eriklz profile image
Erik Lundevall Zara

Maybe 20-30 minutes at most.
But it is not starting from scratch really, I try to apply the Getting Things Done methodology and I add new tasks along the way continuously, also do a brief of tasks at the end of the week. So the planning part is mostly a somewhat quick check on priorities and fairly rough estimate, and where the focus should be.

Things will certainly change and new items pop up anyway, so does not help to overdo it. :-)