The Ops Community ⚙️

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Ella (she/her/elle) for The Ops Community

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What do you hope to achieve this week?

Well it looks like we're officially in the countdown to 2023, y'all. If anyone can help me find my lost months of 2022 (or 2020-21 for that matter), I will repay you with gratitude and memes.

Fluffy Iglesias asks what is up with time

A warm welcome

to @horovits and the team, following their intro in the Welcome thread. It's always good to have more #o11y friends in the house 🤗 Check the #o11y tag to see what New Relic and Argonaut have been up to - and get involved!

👉 If you're new here and would like some suggestions for people to follow who share your interests, we welcome you to jump into the Welcome Thread for yourself and tell us what you're all about!


Oh, and me? Just out here chilling, casually introducing a few DevOps Legends, nbd 🤩

What are you planning for the week ahead?

👉 Let me and the community know by commenting below. I'll be checking back with you next week to see how it went!

Oldest comments (2)

patrick_londa profile image
Patrick Londa

Week 40 already! Wow... For me, I was working to get a new blog published on optimizing cloud costs. Just got the post live this morning. I get to coast for the rest of the week now, right? 😅 Hope folks find it helpful!

ellativity profile image
Ella (she/her/elle)

Yeah I honestly don't know what happened. Feels like we was robbed, frfr.

That's a comprehensive blog post! Nice one!