The Ops Community βš™οΈ

Cover image for Ops Community Welcome Thread v3
Ella (she/her/elle) for The Ops Community

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Ops Community Welcome Thread v3

Hello and welcome!

πŸ‘‹ The Ops Community is a place to share tips & tricks, tutorials, and career insights about everything DevOps. Now you're here, we encourage you to say hello.

  1. Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! Tell us:
    • 😎 what you'd like us to call you (including your preferred pronouns if you want),
    • 😍 what you've been currently or recently working on that you really enjoy,
    • 🀩 something you're hoping to learn from the community.
  2. Reply to someone's comment, either with a question or just to say hello!
  3. Check out some popular tags (like the ones linked above), and some popular authors like @nurulramadhona, @the_cozma, @cloudyadvice, @techielass, or @drewkhoury.
  4. Last but not least, don't forget to follow @LearnAboutOps on Twitter!

Over to you! πŸ™Œ

Top comments (49)

bmayhew profile image
Butch Mayhew

Howdy πŸ‘‹, I'm Butch Mayhew

Looking forward to continuing to learn more about the systems that run our software, along with ways in which to increase feedback loops. I've got a pretty solid understanding of all things Quality / Software Testing, but still learning the Ops side of things.

I learned about Ops.IO from Page it to the Limit podcast :)

ellativity profile image
Ella (she/her/elle)

So glad you came to join us, @bmayhew! That's one cheery profile gif you've got going on there πŸ˜„

What's the #1 thing on the Ops side that you're trying to wrap your head around just now? Let's see if we can direct you to some helpful resources and the people behind them...

(Can't forget to send a big thank-you to @lnxchk and the Page It To The Limit podcast for sending Butch our way!)

bmayhew profile image
Butch Mayhew

Currently working to determine the best architecture and toolset for building out our infrastructure as code. Our team has started to build things out in Terraform, but we aren't hard committed yet, but that is the direction we are leaning. It seems like Terraform and tools in this space can do a lot of things, I'm trying to figure out what I want it to t do for us, what I don't want it to do for us.

Our long term plan is to modularize our system, and building a platform for our devs to provide a simple yml file, we take that and build out the infrastructure needed for that service.

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ellativity profile image
Ella (she/her/elle) • Edited

Sounds like you have a lot of exploring to do! I'm not sure exactly what questions you and your team are asking, but check out @jatin, @the_cozma, @xaviermignot, and @javi_labs content on Terraform for some honest opinions and possible solutions.

They're all super helpful people with plenty of insight to share. Leave a comment on their posts with any questions you might have.

ETA: You might also enjoy @oleonardorodrigues's recent post on Terraform modules ✨

Thread Thread
javi_labs profile image
Javier Marasco

Awesome to read Butch! If you have questions please shoot them we are all here to help each other :)

The approach you mention is totally possible with Terraform, I don;t do it with yaml files but json files as configuration files which then I feed to terraform modules that form my infrastructure needs (I have modules that contains multiple resources inside that makes a "building block").

In my posts you will find this approach used many times and also one for document in confluence (but you can use the idea to do the same in other platforms as well) so you have the complete pack, IaC and DocumentationAsCode :)

Hope you enjoy the community and welcom again!

johnson_brad profile image
Brad Johnson

Wow, that's awesome @bmayhew! Glad to hear my podcast debut didn't scare you away.

Welcome to The Ops Community!

aerosouund profile image
Ammar Yasser

Hello people ❀
I'm Ammar. A DevOps engineer focused on AWS and k8s. I hope to become a domain expert in kubernetes and so I'm learning golang and all sorts of kubernetes niches
Happy to be with you!

ellativity profile image
Ella (she/her/elle)

Welcome @aerosouund, you should meet @the_cozma, @danielepolencic, and @jgaskins - all very knowledgeable about Kubernetes, too!

aerosouund profile image
Ammar Yasser

Great to meet you all. I'll make sure to follow them ❀

solomedianet profile image
Solomon Awah

Nice to hear that, seems you have a lot of experience already. Happy to collaborate

bhausabp profile image
Bhausab Paramanatti • Edited

Hello Everyone,

This is Bhausab from Pune, India, a DevSecOps and Cloud evangelist who loves to interact with people to share learnings/knowledge on Next-Gen technologies and am a life-long learner "a learning sherpa".

Feel free to connect:
LinkedIn -

ellativity profile image
Ella (she/her/elle)

Welcome, @bhausabp! We're glad you're here.

What Next-Gen technologies are you most excited about this week? We're curious to learn more about what's top-of-mind for you 😁

nicedamsel25 profile image
Princess Ndupu

Hello everyone! πŸ‘‹ My name is Princess. I'm a scrum master right now. I'm pursuing a career as a DevOps. There's not much I knowat the moment but am eager to learn and am open to suggestions that will be extremely helpful. I'm glad to be here.

ellativity profile image
Ella (she/her/elle)

Welcome, Princess! What are you most excited to learn about in the field of DevOps, based on what you already know?

nicedamsel25 profile image
Princess Ndupu

Thank you EllaπŸ™‚! Docker and Kubernetics πŸ˜†

Thread Thread
ellativity profile image
Ella (she/her/elle)

Excellent @nicedamsel25! We have plenty of Kubernetes content around here!

Sounds like you probably want to meet @aerosouund and the people I mentioned in Ammar's intro thread.

Let us know if you have any questions about particular things you're discovering!

abhinavd26 profile image
Abhinav Dubey

Hello everyone πŸ‘‹
This is Abhinav from India. He's a Kubernetes enthusiast who loves to interact with like-minded people and sharing his learnings with technical writings.

Feel free to connect -
Twitter -
LinkedIn -

ellativity profile image
Ella (she/her/elle)

Welcome, Abhinav!

What question would you love to know the answer to?

tal profile image
Saeed Tal

Hi, everyone. I'm Tal. Aspiring backend developer.
Just looking to learn as much as I can. Any help and/or advice will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

johnson_brad profile image
Brad Johnson

Hey @tal! Welcome to The Ops Community, where there's a wealth of wisdom about backend topics like #aws, #azure, and #kubernetes.

I recommend browsing topics you're most interested in and finding articles relevant to you. If you read an article or post that's especially helpful, make sure to leave a comment and let the author know or ask a follow-up question. Sooner than you realize, you'll be making connections with experts all around the world.

I'm excited to follow along with your progress!

iswazilamanyamande profile image

Philo pronounced as Pillow!
Still a novice I will appreciate even the little knowledge that is shared to grow.

ellativity profile image
Ella (she/her/elle)

Welcome, Philo! We're so glad you joined and we hope you can find more than just a little knowledge here.

If you encounter anything you'd like help to understand further, we encourage you to ask your question directly in the comments on the post - we are all here to help you learn and grow! 🌱

uchelouis45 profile image

Uche here. I'm a newbie in the tech space having pivoted from food service. I'm keen on learning about python, r, spss, sas, html and css

ellativity profile image
Ella (she/her/elle)

Hi Uche! Welcome! That's quite a spread of things you want to learn about, you've got there.

While this community is definitely here to help you with your pivot if you're aiming to move into DevOps, for the stack you've just listed I'm going to recommend you stop by some other places to get more relevant support and advice.

I like to suggest CodeNewbie to get started with Python, HTML, and CSS; I used to be a mod for that community and it's such a helpful environment for beginner coding!

Alternatively, if you're looking to focus on R, SPSS, SAS, you might want to check out the r/statistics subreddit for relevant communities and subs. It's a friendly sub, and people there seem very open to beginner questions.

If you decide you want to dig into DevOps technologies, we are here for it! Let us know what you'd like to learn more about and we will help where we can!

solomedianet profile image
Solomon Awah

Hi im Solomon Awah a Computer Engineer from Nigeria and startup founder of Solomedianet and Muratore. I’m hoping to collaborate and gain skills on Site reliability Engineering, scaling and automation of tech infrastructure hope I am at the right place.

ellativity profile image
Ella (she/her/elle)

Hi Solomon! Welcome to the Ops Community πŸ‘‹

If you're here for the automation and SRE, you might enjoy following @lnxchk and the PagerDuty team, and @alvaradodaniel3 and the New Relic team.

Feel free to ask any questions that come to mind, and we will do our best to help answer them!

bnousilal profile image

Hello Everyone!
This is Nousi, Docker and Kubernetes enthusiast.

patrick_londa profile image
Patrick Londa

Welcome to the community, @bnousilal!

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Welcome Nousi!