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Kai Walter
Kai Walter

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Start WSL or Remote VS Code with from PowerShell

Today I want to share the script I use to VS Code remote into WSL or SSH environments.

Sample calls

coderemote wsl ~/src/message-distribution
coderemote my-dev-vm ~/src/message-distribution
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  1. ~/ in Path is translated to /home/{user name}/ where ...
    • for WSL I assume that Windows user name is the WSL's user name
    • for SSH I use my SSH configuration module to determine target user name
  2. for SSH FQDN, that the SSH config file maps from a potentially abbreviated hostname to the full FQDN like
Host my-dev-vm
  User kai
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/devvmprivkey
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The Script

param (
    [Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = $true)]
    [Parameter(Position = 2, Mandatory = $true)]
    [Parameter(Position = 3, Mandatory = $false)]
    $DistroName = "Ubuntu"

if ($HostName.ToLowerInvariant() -eq "wsl") {

    $extendedPath = $Path -replace "~/", $("/home/" + $env:USERNAME + "/")
    if ($extendedPath -notmatch "^\/") {
        throw "path $Path needs to be absolute or start with ~/"

    $remotePath = "vscode-remote://wsl+$DistroName$extendedPath"

else {

    Import-Module $(Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "MyModules" "manageSshConfig.psm1")

    $hl = Get-ConfigHostList

    $h = $hl | Get-ConfigHostFromList -HostName $HostName 

    if ($h) {
        $extendedPath = $Path -replace "~/", $("/home/" + $h["User"] + "/")
        if ($extendedPath -notmatch "^\/") {
            throw "path $Path needs to be absolute or start with ~/"
        $remotePath = "vscode-remote://ssh-remote+$HostName$extendedPath"


if ($remotePath) {
    Write-Host "opening" $remotePath
    code --folder-uri $remotePath
else {
    Write-Error "could not determine a remote path"
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Top comments (1)

patrick_londa profile image
Patrick Londa

Thanks for sharing, @kaiwalter!