This small snippet I use to remove entries from $HOME\.ssh\known_hosts
with PowerShell. I use this in cases when I redeploy an VM in the cloud and want to "ssh" into the VM, e.g. with a script, right after deployment is concluded. I know there is the ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no
option, but this is not how I roll.
disclaimer: tested on Windows with CR/LF and LF line endings; Linux and macOS needs to be validated
param (
[Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = $true)]
$knownhosts = Join-Path $HOME ".ssh" "known_hosts"
if (Test-Path $knownhosts -PathType Leaf) {
$contents = Get-Content $knownhosts -Raw
if ($contents) {
if ($contents -match "^[^\n]+\r\n") {
$splitter = "\r\n"
$joiner = "`r`n"
else {
$splitter = "\n"
$joiner = "`n"
$listIn = [regex]::Split($contents, $splitter ) | Where-Object { $_ -ne "" }
$listOut = $listIn | Select-String $("^(?!$computerName)") -List
if ($listOut.Count -ne $listIn.Count) {
Write-Host "removed" $($listIn.Count - $listOut.Count) "lines"
$listOut -join $joiner | Set-Content $knownhosts -NoNewline
else {
throw "file $knownhosts has no content"
else {
throw "file $knownhosts not found"
Top comments (1)
Thanks for sharing this code, @kaiwalter!