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Kaido Jarvemets
Kaido Jarvemets

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Azure Arc: Solving Re-onboarding Challenges with a New Tool

Managing hybrid and multi-cloud environments with Azure Arc can be complex. I've noticed a common issue: the need to re-onboard a server when problems occur.

Here's a scenario I've encountered: An Azure Arc-enabled server starts misbehaving. Extensions refuse to update, PowerShell commands fail, and the Azure portal becomes unresponsive. Many of us end up deleting and re-adding the Azure Arc object, risking the loss of important configurations.

To tackle this challenge, I've developed a new tool: the Azure Arc Re-Onboarding Assistant. My utility helps with:

  1. Backing up Azure Arc server configurations
  2. Guiding users through server offboarding
  3. Assisting with re-onboarding
  4. Automatically restoring settings

With this tool, I've found that administrators can maintain their server configurations, including tags, data collection rules, and endpoint settings, even during a full re-onboarding process.

As I've seen Azure Arc usage grow, I believe tools like this become increasingly valuable for keeping operations smooth in complex environments.

Have you faced re-onboarding issues with Azure Arc-enabled servers? What approaches have you used to solve them? I'd love to hear about your experiences in the comments!

AzureArc #CloudManagement #DevOps

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