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Cover image for Weekly News Updates
Sarah Lean
Sarah Lean

Posted on

Weekly News Updates

Back in August 2019 I took the plunge and started creating videos on YouTube. It was a start of a weekly journey, where I would create a video each week sharing interesting Azure news and wider tech news.

I'd never really spoke to a camera before and wasn't skilled in editing and how to be a "YouTuber".

In between those weekly videos I started to create others, videos about GitHub, Azure Hints and Tips, Tutorial videos and much more. I think there are nearly 300 videos up on my YouTube channel currently.

The weekly videos continued until December 2021, when I kind of fell out of love with doing them. My focus and priorities had changed.

But it's now time for a comeback!

I am bringing the weekly update videos back for the next couple of weeks to trial them and see if people are still interested.

The first one is out today, and is available in video and podcast format from a variety of sources:

Would love to have you join me and support my new(?) project!

Top comments (2)

patrick_londa profile image
Patrick Londa

Excited to check these out! This first one back looks and sounds great!

techielass profile image
Sarah Lean

Thanks Patrick!