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Microsoft Azure Key Vault-2🌱 πŸŒ€

How to use key vault in Azure?


  • Users must have a unique username and password.
  • To create Azure Key Vault, users must have an Azure subscription.

Steps for Using the Azure Portal:

1.Set up an Azure Key-Vault:

Step 1: Access the Azure Portal through the following URL:

Step 2: On the Azure portal's home page, click the +Create a resource button.

Step 3: In the Azure Marketplace Search window, type Key Vault and press Enter to open the Key Vault create page.

Step 4: On the Key Vault screen, click the Create button.

Step 5: On the Create Key Vault page, input the project details.

Step 6: Enter the new bastion's information as follows:

  • Subscription: From the drop-down menu, select your subscription plan.
  • Select the resource group in which you wish to build the bastion.
  • Key Vault Name: Enter a unique name for the vault. The vault name must be alphanumeric and cannot begin with a number.
  • Region: Choose a region/location from the drop-down menu.
  • Pricing Tier: Choose a pricing tier from the drop-down menu.

Step 7: To deploy the workspace, select Review+Create and then click Create from the page.
Check the Deployment status on the page until it moves to the completed state.

  1. Include a Secret:

Step 1: Navigate to the newly created key vault in the Azure portal.

Step 2: Select Secrets from the Settings area on the left side.

Step 3: At the top of the Secret page, select General/Import.

Step 4: Open the Create a Secret page. Fill out the form with a name, value, and content type, as well as an activation and expiration date if necessary.

Step 5: At the bottom of the page, click the Create button.

Step 6: Confirm that the new secret has been posted to the Vault.

  1. Display the Secret:

Step 1: From the Secret list, select the newly inserted secret.

Step 2: From the list, choose the most recent version of the Secret.

Step 3: From the page, choose Show Secret Value.

Step 4: Check that the newly entered Secret value is accurately shown in the vault.

Azure Key Vault Applications

It has Secret Management because it can securely store and control access to passwords, certificates, tokens, API keys, and other secrets.

It is simple to generate and manage encryption keys used to encrypt data.

It can manage and deploy TLS/SSL layer certificates.

Key vault, because it is hosted in Azure Cloud, can be easily linked with other Azure Services such as Azure App Service, Azure Disk Encryption, and so on.

It stores application secrets centrally, allowing users to regulate distribution.

Finally, because it is simple to connect, users can use the Azure Key Vault service to store data while simultaneously benefiting from other Azure services. After a user has created a Key Vault, he or she can begin utilizing Azure to store keys and associated values/secrets.

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