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Azure Cognitive Services

Azure Cognitive Services are cloud-based artificial intelligence (AI) services that aid in the incorporation of cognitive intelligence into your applications. REST APIs, client library SDKs, and user interfaces are all available. You can add cognitive features to your applications without knowing anything about AI or data science. You can use Cognitive Services to create cognitive solutions that can see, hear, speak, understand, and even make decisions.

Cognitive Service Categories

Cognitive Services are divided into four major categories:

  1. Vision
  2. Speech
  3. Language
  4. Decision

1.Vision APIs

  • Computer Vision

The Computer Vision service gives you access to advanced cognitive algorithms for image processing and information retrieval.

  • Custom Vision

You can use the Custom Vision Service to create, deploy, and improve your own image classifiers. An image classifier is an artificial intelligence service that assigns labels to images based on their visual characteristics.

  • Face

The Face service gives you access to advanced face algorithms that allow you to detect and recognize face attributes.

2.Speech APIs

  • Speech service

Speech service enhances applications with speech-enabled features. Speech services include features such as speech-to-text, text-to-speech, speech translation, and many others.

3.Language APIs

  • Language service

The Azure Language service includes a number of Natural Language Processing (NLP) features for understanding and analyzing text.

  • Translator

Translator provides near real-time machine-based text translation.

  • Language Understanding LUIS

Language Understanding (LUIS) is a cloud-based conversational AI service that uses custom machine-learning intelligence to predict overall meaning and extract relevant information from a user's conversational or natural language text.

  • QnA Maker

QnA Maker enables you to create a question and answer service from semi-structured content.

4.Decision APIs

  • Anomaly Detector

Anomaly Detector allows you to monitor and detect anomalies in your time series data.

  • Content Moderator

Content Moderator keeps an eye out for potentially offensive, undesirable, or risky content.

  • Personalizer

Personalizer enables you to select the best experience to show to your users based on their real-time behavior.

Create a Cognitive Services resource

Using any of the following methods, you can create a Cognitive Services resource with hands-on quickstarts:

  1. Azure portal
  2. Azure CLI
  3. Azure SDK client libraries
  4. Azure Resource Manager (ARM template)

Utilize Cognitive Services in a variety of development environments.

You have several development options with Azure and Cognitive Services, including:

  1. Tools for automation and integration, such as Logic Apps and Power Automate.
  2. Azure Functions and the App Service are two deployment options.
  3. Services for the Mind Docker containers are used to provide secure access.
  4. For Big Data scenarios, tools such as Apache Spark, Azure Databricks, Azure Synapse Analytics, and Azure Kubernetes Service are available.

Cognitive Service Containers

Azure Cognitive Services also provides several Docker containers that allow you to use the same Azure APIs on-premises. You can use these containers to bring Cognitive Services closer to your data for compliance, security, or other operational reasons.

Regional accessibility

Cognitive Services APIs are hosted on an expanding network of Microsoft-managed data centers.

Language assistance

At the service level, Cognitive Services supports a diverse range of cultural languages.


Azure Cognitive Services has a layered security model that includes Azure Active Directory authentication, a valid resource key, and Azure Virtual Networks.

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