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Joseph D. Marhee
Joseph D. Marhee

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Fixing GlusterFS not in 'Peer in Cluster' State Error

When creating a Glusterfs deployment, after peering your other nodes:

gluster peer probe node1
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you can see the status of the cluster using gluster peer status, where you might see something like this:

Uuid: 35c563b6-b54a-4fb6-98a9-243d34e0a82e
State: Accepted peer request (Connected)
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but in this State, you cannot create a volume yet, and you might get an error like:

ubuntu@61d8372c31e8:~$ sudo gluster volume create replicated-data replica 3
volume create: replicated-data: failed: Host is not in 'Peer in Cluster' state
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If it is stuck in this state, using the UUID from the peer status above, you can modify the /var/lib/glusterd/peers/{UUID} file, where you'll see a state=4 line.

Update this line to read state=3 on, both, this node, and the UUID for the first node as well on the peer node if needed, then restart glusterd:

systemctl restart glusterd
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and recheck the peer status:

Uuid: 35c563b6-b54a-4fb6-98a9-243d34e0a82e
State: Peer in Cluster (Connected)
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at which point you can proceed to create a volume.

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