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Cover image for kubectl output like a pro
Alexandru Dejanu
Alexandru Dejanu

Posted on • Updated on • Originally published at

kubectl output like a pro

If your work involves kubectl, even more wrapping kubectl commands in bash scripts, then this might be for you.

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So let's say you want to take only the pods names for all namespaces. You can use things la AWK, grep but also you can customize your output:

kubectl get po -o name -A
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Pretty simple, and it looks like this:


If you don't like that fact that pod's names are prefixed with pod/...say no more:

kubectl get po -A
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Would be nice though to know the namespace in which each pod is running:

kubectl get po -A -o go-template='{{range .items}} --> {{}} in namespace: {{.metadata.namespace}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}'
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--> harbor-jobservice-5f56f77c85-75fzj in namespace: harbor
--> harbor-nginx-858bb8887f-8grwb in namespace: harbor
--> harbor-portal-59ff88c985-2k878 in namespace: harbor
--> harbor-redis-0 in namespace: harbor

That's about it, also this applies for Docker check this article.

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