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Emre for Z-Shell

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✨〰️ ZI 〰️✨ Annex - Eval

ZI Swiss army knife

❮ ZI ❯ 🧙‍‍♀️ A Swiss Army Knife for Zsh.

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Allows to cache the output of arbitrarily slow initialization command to speed up shell startup time.
eval preview

Annex provides a completion file with the prefix _zi, the 'shim' below which will run all available zi completions and the shim is assigned as ZIs completion with a compdef call.


zi recache <plugin/snippet>

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📥 Installation

Simply load like a regular plugin:

zi light z-shell/z-a-eval

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After executing this command you can then use the new ice-mods provided by the annex.

🔧 How it works

The output of a slow initialization command is redirected to a file located within the plugin/snippets directory and sourced while loading. The next time the plugin/snippet is loaded, this file will be sourced skipping the need to run the initialization command.

The ice-modifier eval'' provided and handled by this annex creates a cache in the plugin/snippets root directory which stores the commands output.

This cache is regenerated when:

  • The plugin/snippet is updated.
  • The cache file is removed.
  • With the new ZI subcommand recache.

The optional preceding ! flag means to store command output regardless of exit code. Otherwise eval'' will avoid caching ouput of code which returns a non-zero exit code.

📕 Example Invocations:

Without z-a-eval

zi ice as"command" from"gh-r" mv"zoxide* -> zoxide" \
  atclone"./zoxide init zsh > init.zsh" atpull"%atclone" src"init.zsh" nocompile'!'
zi light ajeetdsouza/zoxide

zi ice atclone"dircolors -b LS_COLORS > init.zsh" \
  atpull"%atclone" pick"init.zsh" nocompile'!' \
  atload'zstyle ":completion:*" list-colors “${(s.:.)LS_COLORS}”'
zi light trapd00r/LS_COLORS

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With z-a-eval

zi ice as"command" from"gh-r" mv"zoxide* -> zoxide" \
  eval"./zoxide init zsh"
zi light ajeetdsouza/zoxide

zi ice eval"dircolors -b LS_COLORS" \
  atload'zstyle ":completion:*" list-colors “${(s.:.)LS_COLORS}”'
zi light trapd00r/LS_COLORS

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Without ZI

if [["${+commands[kubectl]}" == 1 ]]; then
  eval $(kubectl completion zsh)

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With ZI and z-a-eval

## Updated during `zi update`
zi ice id-as"kubectl_completion" has"kubectl" \
  eval"kubectl completion zsh" run-atpull
zi light z-shell/null

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This repository compatible with ZI.

Have the best and leave the rest! 😎

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