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Discussion on: CALMS - A Holistic View Of Work

patrick_londa profile image
Patrick Londa

I had never heard of the CALMS framework before, so thank you for walking through it! I definitely agree that automation has to be reinforced by the culture, which is at the heart of implementing DevOps.

pirxdanford profile image
Clemens Scholz

Actually I love that framework because if one of the tiers is lacking we will run into a whole lot of different problems. Just imagine a company that has the CALM down in perfection, but has real trouble with "S", so with sharing information. Problems have to be tackled from scratch all the time, old projects have to be abandoned as no one can maintain them anymore. A company like this would need to earn mad money to cover for the losses incurred through this wasteful situation.

Hmmm, maybe I should write another article about the problem symptoms and possible quick wins :-D

patrick_londa profile image
Patrick Londa

Sounds like a good idea to me! :)