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Rahul Kumar
Rahul Kumar

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What is AWS CodePipeline : Components and Features

AWS CodePipeline is a fully managed continuous delivery service that is getting momentum in the DevOps automation tools market. This solution enables enterprises to automate all phases of the CI/CD pipeline in order to produce high-quality apps while managing infrastructure changes with ease. You can offer additions and updates to your clients quickly by automating the development, test, and deployment steps. AWS CodePipeline works with third-party version control systems like GitHub, Bitbucket, and GitHub Enterprise, as well as other AWS services like Amazon S3 AWS, Elastic Beanstalk, and AWS CloudFormation.

Three key components make up the AWS CodePipeline architecture:

1. AWS CodeBuild is a fully managed build service that handles tasks like compiling source code, running unit tests, and generating deployment artefacts. You won't have to bother about provisioning or managing your build servers as a result. It includes build environments for common build tools including Gradle, Apache Maven, and Apache Ant.

2. AWS CodeCommit is a fully managed source control solution for hosting and managing private Git repositories. It implies you won't have to worry about maintaining the source control service or growing the IT environment. It allows you to save anything connected to source control, from code to binaries. It supports typical Git functionality, so you can use it with all of your other Git-based tools. AWS CodeCommit provides a highly secure environment for managing your repositories, with automatic encryption of files in transit and connection with IAM.

3.AWS CodeDeploy is an AWS-provided completely managed deployment solution. It allows businesses to automate deployments across a variety of AWS services, including AWS Lambda, AWS Fargate, and AWS EC2 instances, among others. You may also install apps and services in your on-premises environments. You can quickly deliver new features, avoid downtime, and effectively manage error-free infrastructure operations using AWS CodeDeploy.

AWS CodePipeline features :

  • It includes workflow modelling, which allows you to specify how code changes go through the pipeline.
  • Simple to set up and maintain. You don't have to manage any servers because AWS provides the infrastructure.
  • Allows you to use a fancy JSON document to design the pipeline structure.
  • Parallel execution is possible, which speeds up your productivity.
  • The graphical user interface depicts the workflow of the release process.
  • All AWS services, as well as third-party and custom plugins, are easily integrated.
  • Docker images may be created.
  • IAM user management, IAM roles, and automatic encryption make it extremely secure.
  • Amazon SNS notifications provide alert alerts.

Improvements to be made :

AWS CodePipeline is available on a pay-as-you-go basis. The AWS CodeBuild tool, for example, charges you for every minute of build time.

Jenkins, on the other hand, charges for the use of the underlying hardware, which includes the Jenkins master and EC2 clusters. As a result, it's critical to keep a close eye on resource utilisation. Second, although Jenkins has a robust plugin ecosystem, AWS CodePipeline is still in its infancy. It does, however, allow you to use third-party plugins to personalise the UI and build process. Image caching for Docker is not accessible.

Reference :

Top comments (2)

dhirajpatra profile image
Dhiraj Patra

Very nice and concise. thanks

iamrahul8 profile image
Rahul Kumar

Most Welcome 😊