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Sally Acorn for Oxylab

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Don't be scared: here's how to get started and locate opt-in projects for Hacktoberfest.

Now that Hacktoberfest has begun, it's time to make an open source contribution! Fear not, it need not be terrifying. Let's go through the beginning steps. Once everything is set up and ready to go, you may read my following post for some project inspiration.

Sign up to Hacktoberfest
Firstly, you'll need to sign up to Hacktoberfest. You can't really participate without signing up to go 😉

Head to the Hacktoberfest website
This text is providing instructions on how to participate in Hacktoberfest, which is an annual event where people can contribute to open-source projects on GitHub and earn prizes.

Click "Start Hacking":
The first step is to sign up for Hacktoberfest on their website. This is necessary in order to participate. To sign up, go to the Hacktoberfest website and click on the "Start Hacking" button.

Go through the three step "Welcome" Process:

This text is providing an instruction to follow a three-step process called the "Welcome" process. The instruction does not provide any information about what the Welcome process involves or what it is for. Therefore, it is not possible to define any technical terms

When you've authenticated, you should be able to see your profile screen. If not, head back to the main homepage and click "Start Hacking" again. This will take you to your profile:

This text is providing instructions on how to access your profile screen after authenticating.

Authentication refers to the process of verifying the identity of a user or system. In this context, it likely means logging in with a username and password.

The main homepage refers to the starting page of the website or application being used.

"Start Hacking" is likely a button or link on the homepage that initiates the login process.

The profile screen is a page that displays information about the user, such as their name, profile picture, and any settings or preferences they have set.

If the user is not automatically taken to their profile screen after logging in, they are instructed to return to the main homepage and click "Start Hacking" again. This should redirect them to their profile page.

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