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AngularJS vs Angular: Understanding the Differences and Performance Tuning in SQL and Rails Logger

It is vital to keep track with emerging trends and challenges when it’s easier to get lost in the field of web development. Proper use of the origins of angular js assessment tool, how AngularJS different from Angular the power of mastering the performance tuning in SQL, efficient usage Rails Logger can boost the productivity and performance of applications for developers. So, let this guide give you more information about the topics discussed, as well as tips on how to proceed with the process.

AngularJS vs Angular: Differences that make a Difference

AngularJS and Angular are two different frameworks developed by Google; what differentiates Angular from AngularJS is that the letter ‘S’ of the name is usually the first letter to get capitalised. Though, they are both beneficial for some people, but they are different in their kind and have different functions.

AngularJS (Angular 1. x)

Earlier, it is familiarly called as AngularJS or even Angular 1. x is JavaScript based Open-source front-end web application development framework. It was released back in 2010, and by 2011, gained widespread use for the ability to ease the creation and debugging of single-page applications.

Key Features:

  • Two-Way Data Binding: The data is automatically refreshed between the model and the view of the graphic or image chosen by the user.

  • Dependency Injection: Helps to avoid growing of dependencies, which in turn help to enhance code deliverability.

  • Directives: Assuming an understanding of web development best practices, HTML capabilities can be extended by inventing new HTML tags and attributes.

  • MVC Architecture: Encourages the enhancement of order by allowing the application to operate as Model-View-Controller schemes.

Angular (Angular 2+)

Angular or more specifically Angular 2+ or simply Angular, is a completely new platform and not a continuation of AngularJS anymore. Angular 2 came out in 2016 and is written in TypeScript to overcome the deficits of AngularJS and offer more efficient tools for web development at present.

Key Features:

  • TypeScript: An evolution of JavaScript for giving a statically-typed language that adds to the quality of the code and its maintainability.

  • Component-Based Architecture: Facilitates the use of reusable modules, thus enhancing the arrays organization and flexibility.
    Reactive Programming: Utilizes RxJS for handling operations and events

  • Asynchronous operations.

  • Improved Performance: Superior Painting and Changing technique for the purpose of high quality performance.

Comparing AngularJS and Angular

  • Performance: Angular: The matter is that Angular has better rendering and change detection systems.

  • Language: AngularJS builds its framework on JavaScript, while Angular utilizes TypeScript and it has better features such as new tooling and built-in error messages.

  • Architecture: The dependency injection is used in-angular which is more modular and scalable than the AngularJS’s MVC architecture.

  • Mobile Support: Mobile development is somewhat supported in Angular than in AngularJS.

Performance Tuning in SQL

Tuning of the SQL queries is another crucial aspect since it can determine the efficiency of the app that is using databases. Here are some key strategies for performance tuning in SQL:
1. Indexing
Query performance, on the other hand, is done with a lot of help from indexes. They enable the database engine to access a particular datum or data set without needing to search the whole table.

Create Indexes on Frequently Queried Columns: Find out which of the columns are used often in the WHERE clause, JOIN, and ORDER down clauses.

Use Composite Indexes: In the case of queries that call FOR conditions acting on multiple columns, composite indexing is recommended.

2. Query Optimization
Applying proper SQL query queries can however reduce on execution time as much as possible.

Use SELECT Statements Wisely: Do not use SELECT all Database Tables and Always specify specific fields you want to select.

Avoid Subqueries: WHERE statements If possible, use JOINs instead of subqueries since they provide a competitive advantage.

Use Proper Filtering: Bear in mind that, optimal filtering conditions should also be imposed in order to reduce the amount of data that goes through the database.

3. Database Normalization
Normalization help in elimination of redundant data and gives better accuracy and reliability to data.

Normalize Tables: As you write large tables, subdivide them into smaller tables that are interrelational so you can avoid duplication.

Use Foreign Keys: Use foreign keys to link tables to make sure tables are interrelated and have a consistent flow.

4. Analyzing Query Performance
Monitor the response time of queries often to expose any delays that should be curbed.

Use EXPLAIN: EXPLAIN statement is designed to offer a glimpse of the way the database engine handles a particular query.

Monitor Query Execution Time: This helps to monitor the length of time taken for the execution of queries in order to find out the ones that are slow to execute.

Using Rails Logger Effectively

Rails Logger is a tool that is used to against out the flow of an application in Ruby on Rails. Here’s how to use it effectively:Here’s how to use it effectively:

1. Logging Basics
Rails Logger provides a way to log messages at various levels: debug, info, warn, error, and finally, fatal.

Debug Level: For a lot of information to be caught during the debugging process.

Info Level: Bat hearings for general information about application operation.

Warn Level: For one, unavoidable or dangerous situations .

Error Level: For error events which may still allow the application to remain open, for a possibility of continued execution.

Fatal Level: In general and mainly for serious erroneous situations that are expected to bring about a halt in the application’s execution.

2. Configuring Logger
Reported in these sections, adjust the participating logger configuration according to your application requirements.

Log to Different Outputs: Specify the type of outputs that must be used to generate the logs, including files, system output, and third-party loggers.

Rotate Log Files: Log rotation allows you to control the size of your log files to avoid the situation where logs grow and grow, never filling up.

3. Structured Logging
Structured logging aids in log analysis because organizing the log data into a structure is helpful.

Use JSON Format: Include square brackets [] around important fields in the log messages to enhance their readability and JSON Parsing.

Include Contextual Information: Include additional context data, likes request IDs or user IDs, to the messages for better traceability.

4. Analyzing Logs
This exposes areas of concern that need to be attended to as well as enhances the performance of applications through regular log analysis.

Use Log Management Tools: To control and analyze log data the following tools may be used: Logstash, Kibana, Splunk and etc.

Set Up Alerts: It is also possible to set up alerts about certain log patterns so that appropriate measures can be undertaken in advance.


Modern web developer needs to know a number of abilities, among which following abilities can be listed: Ability to distinguish between AngularJS and Angular, Ability to explain performance tuning in SQL, Ability to using Rails Logger. Thus, enhancing these frameworks’ features, improving the core SQL queries, and inventing accurate log activity application creation will provide outstanding user experience to the developers as well as the users. It is important to follow the current trends as well as try to get as many new tips and tricks as possible to enlarge your experience and make the best applications.

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